Cute Storage Boxes from Old Boxes and Sweaters

Does January seem like the 'get it organized' month for you? It does for me. Every single January it feels like I'm in high organization mood. This January is no different; now it's just a little more focused on storage too. With this little babe coming around I'm starting to realize how much more storage I need since our house completely lacks it...but that's all for a different post :)

I'm obsessed with little containers, boxes and baskets to store (hide) anything and everything. I'm constantly on the lookout for them when I go shopping. The other day I realized that it might just be somewhat of a waste of money :) Especially with two babes in diapers, I have a gazillion boxes hanging around. Plus, I have the phobia of getting rid of things so I have a ton of sweaters too. I decided to save a little bit of money and reuse and recycle what I already had into some super cute storage!
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!

Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 I started off just cutting off the top flaps of one of the diaper boxes. The easiest way I found to do this was with a knife/razor blade.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 I then put the box into the sweater and marked where I wanted to cut it. The cut mark was about 2 inches or so taller than the box. This left enough room for the sweater to fold over into the box.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 I then laid out the sweater and cut it as straight as I could at that line.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 Since the bottom of the sweater is hemmed, I chose to put that at the bottom of the box since you'll see it, and since I know it's straight. I secured the sweater all around the box with some hot glue. If the sweater is too tight, you can stretch it. If it's too big for the box, you'll have to do an extra step and cut off some excess fabric. This sweater fit the box perfectly.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 Once the bottom was glued on, I folded the sweater over into the box and secured it with some glue also.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 I decided to finish the raw edge off with some cute ribbon. I just hot glued the ribbon all along the edge on the inside of the box.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 For the handles, I had a few ideas of what to do, but this ended up being the quickest. It's not necessarily the most functional since you can't really use the handles if you have a ton of weight in the box...but it still made it look cute :) I used some rope and twirled it around and then knotted it on both ends. I then just hot glued it directly onto the sweater.
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 I was going to use this for some toys, but decided that it fits diapers (duh) perfectly. And it's a ton better than just grabbing them out of the old box or bag or floor...or wherever they end up being :)
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!
 Now that I had this crazy realization that I can make super cheap boxes, I'm excited to make some more for a little cube organizer I have. I haven't been able to find any white fabric storage cubes for them anywhere and it's been driving me nuts! So, instead, I might just have to make some with these boxes and some old sweaters :)  I just hope I have enough old sweaters...

Pin for later!
Cute storage boxes made from old boxes and sweaters!

Cute Storage Boxes from Old Boxes and Sweaters | BANGUN PERSONAL BRANDINGMU DENGAN BEK.LINK | 5

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