Home Decoration According To Your Zodiac Sign

I Wish to live in the home of our dreams, but do not always know how. It is much simpler than it sounds if you follow these keys to decorate your home according to your zodiac sign.

No need to decorate the whole house according to your sign, especially if you live with other people, but you create a personal space where everything has your touch, as Bricolajey Design said.
Home Decoration According To Your Zodiac Sign
Home Decoration According To Your Zodiac Sign
With these tips you will find that piece of furniture that defines your personality and that will help you live your home in harmony with the universe.

1. Aries
Exclusivity is your label and designer furniture you crazy. Choose one multifunctional with many drawers to keep everything in order as you like. Choose those unique and unrepeatable furniture to turn your home into your temple.

2. Taurus
Traditional furniture go with your style that requires maximum comfort. Like the natural, woods and soft fabrics. Pastel colors and tartan sofa in earth tones is perfect for your personality.

3. Gemini
Like the elegant but uncomplicated. Choose furniture easy to clean and move to suit your mood. Looking for practical and cheerful spaces.

4. Cancer
The vintage style lends your personality. Need small but functional furniture, glass doors, bright and soft colors suit your personality.

5. Leo
Your personality marked leonina requires original furniture with a story behind it. Furniture strong personality with gold accents and solid structure harmonize with the majesty of your sign. Pride must be present in your decor.

6. Virgo
Mercury gives you mobility, so your furniture should be stylish and small so you can accommodate your air. A comfortable desk is critical to make you feel comfortable and can reflect.

7. Libra
Your home should be original like you. The sofa should be classic and very comfortable, in clear and warm tones. Accompany by a library or cabinet where everything is visible and easy to find.

8. Scorpio
Like the comfort and elegance, so the Baroque is your style, but must show a touch of personality and provocative. The bold detail is the key to your decor.

9. Sagittarius
Warm colors, leather and furniture corner harmonize perfectly when you combine them. Your ability to mix furniture and achieve a balanced outcome, is your secret. Do not be afraid to combine a light color with a violet or purple.

10. Capricorn
The sun is your ruler, so no need shines in austere decor and furniture you feel good. We recommend furniture inlaid stone.

11. Aquarius
Your eccentricity is mitigated in decor but you play with different furniture and textures, even if your colors are rather sober, gray, sand and shimmering. The mixture of modern and traditional is your perfect match.

12. Pisces
Need relaxing and comfortable spaces, with casual furniture. Covered sofas cushions and marine colors they offer that harmony and peace that you prefer.
Home Decoration According To Your Zodiac Sign | BANGUN PERSONAL BRANDINGMU DENGAN BEK.LINK | 5

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